On 10th August 2019 Sensei Štefan Kurilla successfully passed his 4th Dan examination and Matej Mozoláni his 1st Danone, both in Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu. Moreover, the Kurilla Budokan team, consisting of Sensei Štefan Kurilla, Matej Mozoláni, Peter Bereš and Viktória Hupková, took part in the 64th Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu demonstration in Japan and won the 2nd place, among 22 competitors from 13 countries. |
7th Dan in Aikido Iwama Shinshin Aiki Shurenkai
Slovakia can boast a world-wide success in Traditional Aikido.
On 8th June 2019 Shihan Nobuhiro Štefan Kurilla was awarded the 7th Dan in Traditional Aikido of Iwama Shinshin Aiki Shurenkai in the city of Iwama, Japan - the birthplace of Aikido. Thus, Shihan Kurilla became the second highest-ranking technical degree in Europe within this organization which is represented in 35 countries of the world and 17 Dojos in Japan.
On 8th June 2019 Shihan Štefan Kurilla and Matej Mozoláni represented our club in Japan in Tomobe, as part of an international demonstration of Aikido Iwama Shinshin Aiki Shurenkai. The demonstration can be viewed in the section News.
On 13th August 2017 Sensei Kurilla took part in the 62nd International Demonstration of Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu in Japan where Katsuyuki Kondo Sensei, the highest authority of Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu in the world, and Masayuki Kondo Sensei rewarded him with the 1st place and a gold medal. Representatives from 12 countries participated in this demonstration.
12. augusta 2017 Sensei Kurilla was successfully examined in Japan and subsequently granted the 3rd Dan in Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu, thus becoming an official exponent of the School of Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu in Slovakia and Austria.
On 14th June 2017 Mr. Ing. Štefan Kurilla was presented with AMBASSADOR’S AWARD OF JAPAN. His Excellency Jun Shimmi, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan in the Slovak Republic, expressed his profound admiration of Mr. Ing. Kurilla’s exceptional effort and year-long contribution in the area of promoting Aikido and fostering mutual understanding and friendship between Japan and the Slovak Republic. His Excellency Ambassador Shimmi-ho’s own words follow: I admire these people who cherish our culture to such an extent that they present and spread it throughout the whole of Slovakia. Without their contribution our Japanese culture would not be so popular here. As the Ambassador of Japan in the Slovak Republic as well as on behalf of Japanese citizens let me thank them cordially and express my appreciation of their contribution. This is the main idea and reason as to why this Award is given and we do hope that we will be able to find even more such similar outstanding personalities in Slovakia.