Aikido teaches you a simple secret: improving your life comes through improving yourself. To be absolutely clear: Aikido offers no miracles – except for the miracle of your own existence and your own human potential. We are all a part of the Universe. If you squander your life, you destroy a small particle of that Universe. Rely on yourselves; don`t succumb to the forces of circumstance. Whether you will lead a rich or a poor life is entirely in your hands.
Why practice Aikido with us?
1. Established in 1989, Kurilla Budokan is the only professional Aikido club in the Slovak Republic.
2. We rely on the traditions, values, and successes of training methods developed by Iwama Ryu Shinshin Aiki Shurenkai, recognizing the tremendous importance of these traditions and values and one`s attitude to life. However, only genuine Aikido masters are capable of communicating these traditions and values to their students.
3. We are leaders in Aikido and Spetsnaz not only in the Slovak Republic, but also in the region. We are professional martial arts experts of considerable experience.
4. Our team includes highly capable individuals who have successfully executed dozens of unique martial arts-related projects.
5. We have the courage and resolve to accept challenges and to improve ourselves not only in martial arts, but also beyond.